Saturday, October 5, 2019

Introduction To Core (Theory & Concept) part-1

Hello ,AS-SALAM-U-ALIKUM & WELCOME ! In this article we will learn about .net core, core and its advantages. lets begin!  ASP.NET Core is a newer version of .It free, open-source and cloud optimized web framework which can run on different platforms like Windows, Linux, or Mac.

In earlier days we had only one optional platform to develop .net Application which was windows platform but now things has changed, Linux or mac users can developed .net applications on their environment

Difference b/w .net Core  & Core : 

Don't get confused with these terms , Actually .net core is framework to develop .net applications and core is subset or unit of .net core same as was used to the subset or unit of .net framework. earlier versions of was run under IIS server (An extensible web server created by Microsoft for use with the Windows NT family.) but core applications can be hosted and run on different platforms like Linux , mac or IIS .

why to use core when we are expert in  : 

ASP.NET Core is designed to be deployed on cloud as well as on-premises. Developers can now build cloud-based web applications, IoT (Internet of Thing) and mobile backend applications using ASP.NET Core framework which can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems.

What is IOT  ?

 By the Definition of  Wikipedia ,It is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

According to my explanation ,It is a future technology which is in under progress ,might be our next generation will be availing the benefit of this technology. It will be a system in which everything will be on your finger tip ,Suppose a morning you went to your office by forgetting to switch off your AC. after few minutes you will be notified on your phone that your AC is running on this time which normally does not open on this time, than you will be able to switched off that electronic device by your phone app ,you would not have to come back to your home to switch off the devices which you forget to off. Anyway this is one the benefit which I explained here, you can read many more about it on :

What is Not Present in Core  ?

If you have been in 4 development environment ,than you wont find the these previous things in core.

  • Global.asax
  • Web.Config
  • Http Handler & Http Modules
  • Page Life Cycle Core Environment Setup :

In order to work on .net Core environment you need two software

  1.  Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 
  2. .NET Core SDK (Software Development Kit)
you can use any IDE of the following like : Sublime text , Visual Code, Atom ,Vim etc . I personally prefer Visual Studio 2019 /2017 , you may download it from the following link or watch the below tutorial to Install .net core & Visual Studio 2017 .

How to Create Core web Application :

Here is the blog which I already had written to Create your 1st .net core Web application.

Conclusion : core is the future of Microsoft .net developer, As a developer you should learn it as earlier as you can ,In current market it is very demand-able  & you will get a good pay scale.

My aim is to provide a better learning of core ,Keep reading and sharing my post. Thank you for Reading, Have a good day !


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