Tuesday, October 22, 2019

2-Add New Records in SQL-Server Table in React Js by using Default Template (Part-2)

Hello & As-salam u alikum ! , In this article we will learn to add new records in React js with asp.net core. 

Step# 1:  

         Watch Previous Part to fetch data from  controller to React js Component and display on View.

Step# 2:

Go to the controller ,In our case our controller name is EmployeeController which we had made in last article, so add a new action method in the controller ,below is the code for adding new record method. 


        public void Create(TblEmployee obj)


            TblEmployee employee = new TblEmployee(); 

                employee.Department = obj.Department;

                employee.City = obj.City;

                employee.Gender = "Female";




the Above code represents an action result which will called from react component to add data.

Step# 3:

We do not want our user to move to a new page for adding new records , we will provide user a component on the top of the grid , so that he/she can add new records on the same page on which data is displayed.

now create a new file named as Create.js in component folder. 

Paste the following code in Create.js folder .
import React, { Component } from 'react';
 class Create extends Component {

        this.state =
            Name: "a", City: "a", Department: "a", id: 0,





        this.setState({ [e.target.name]: e.target.value }); //what ever you write ,it changes the state



        var obj = { EmployeeId: this.state.id, Name: this.state.Name, Department: this.state.Department, City: this.state.City };


            url: '/Employee/Create',

            data: obj,

            success: function (response)





            error: function (response)


    // This will handle the submit form event.  

            return (<span> </span>);


        else {

                    <div className="card-body">


                            <form >

                                <div className="form-group">


                                    <input type="text" onChange={this.textchange.bind(this)} className="form-control" id="Name" name="Name" />



                                    <input type="text" onChange={this.textchange.bind(this)}  className="form-control" id="City" name="City" />


                                    <label >Department:</label>

                                    <input type="text" onChange={this.textchange.bind(this)} className="form-control" id="Department" name="Department" />











Step# 4:

We need to make some changes in our old code that we had done in fetchData.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import Create from "./Create";

const $ = window.$;

export class FetchData extends Component






     this.state =


         forecasts: [], loading: true,

         Name: "a", City: "a", Department: "a", id: 0,

         createisvisible: false,

         createbuttontext: "Create New Post",

         skip: 0,

         take: 1,

         totalPost: 0,

         x: false


     this.callbackFunction = this.callbackFunction.bind(this)

   //  this.UpdateTime();


    callbackFunction = (data) => {

        this.setState({ createisvisible: data, createbuttontext: "Create New Post", x: true });





         console.log("DID MOUNT CALLED");


             .then(response => response.json())

             .then(data => {

                 this.setState({ forecasts: data, loading: false });






    componentWillUpdate() {


            .then(response => response.json())

            .then(data => {

                this.setState({ forecasts: data, loading: false });




    UpdateTime() {

        setInterval(() => {


                .then(response => response.json())

                .then(data => {

                    this.setState({ forecasts: data, loading: false });




        }, 10000);


    //textbox change event -----------------------

    textchange(e) {

        this.setState({ [e.target.name]: e.target.value }); //what ever you write ,it changes the state




    render() {


        if (this.state.loading) {

            return <div>

                <img alt="Not Found" className="img img-responsive" src="Loader.gif" style={{ display: "block", marginLeft: "auto", marginRight: "auto" }} />




        if (!this.state.forecasts.length) {

            return <div>No Records Found</div>;


    return (




            <div style={{ padding:"20px" }}> 

            <button className="btn btn-sm btn-info" onClick={e => {

                    let v = this.state.createisvisible;

                    if (v === false)


                        this.setState({ createisvisible: !v, createbuttontext: "Discard Post" });


                    else {

                        this.setState({ createisvisible: !v, createbuttontext: "Create New Post" });







            <Create parentcall={this.callbackFunction} isvisible={this.state.createisvisible} />


            <table className='table table-striped'>












                    {this.state.forecasts.map(forecast =>

                        <tr key={forecast.employeeId}>






                                <button type="button" onClick={e =>


                                    this.setState({ Name: forecast.name, id: forecast.employeeId, name: forecast.name, City: forecast.city, Department: forecast.department });

                                }} className="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">





                                <button type="button"  className="btn btn-danger">















We are done with this module , now we will do edit and delete record in next article,Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.


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